A New Beginning
If you’re a Baby-Boomer and you are starting to consider some retirement ideas, you may already be out of time without a solid backup plan. Although we have been telling our subscribers the same information you will be reading below for almost a decade now, not many others really realize how screwed they are in relation to ever being able to retire and what is coming down the pike that will be making things even worse for them. Contrary to the popular myth, Ignorance is NOT bliss.
This mess has been building for decades, but during the past two years alone, the reality of a major financial market meltdown has accelerated dramatically and smacked quite a few normally informed people right in the chops as if what was happening was some sort of “surprise”.
The exposure of these financial events come as no surprise to current Infinex University students, but so many others will look at each item as a one-off event, not realizing the bigger picture long at play by the financial elite which will, and already is, devastating the middle-class.
Look, we know that there are 1000’s of promises being made on the internet about “How To Get Rich Quick”, but none of them work… Do you wonder why? Because none of those strategies are based in reality.
So, what is this “reality” we speak of? Simple, unless you are doing exactly what the 1% are doing to make money, it won’t be accepted and eventually you will fail. The articles and links on this blog are testimony that this is a proven fact.